2022Â Grant Projects
$57,130.14 Awarded to Date
Main Street Arts Council
$5,000.00 - February
Funds will assist the production of "Honk Jr" in Hoxie as part of the 2022 Main Street Summer Theater Festival.
USD 412 Hoxie Community Schools
$10,000.00 - March
Funding to assist in the acquisition of a modular unit being offered by the Dane G. Hansen Foundation to be placed in Hoxie to be owned/managed by the Hoxie Community School District #412 to house their licensed group home daycare business.
Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas
$1,782.93 - March
The funding will assist in the purchase of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) for the Hoxie facility.
USD 412 Hoxie Community Schools
$1,526.00 - March
Funds will assist in sending the Hoxie fifth and sixth graders on a field trip to Hays to participate in the Smokey Hills Adventure Program located on the campus of Fort Hays State University.
Sheridan County Community Foundation
$10,000.00 - March
Grant funding to assist in the construction of a duplex complex in Hoxie to be owned and maintained by the Sheridan County Community Foundation (SCCF). for the primary purpose of housing private daycare businesses.
Special Olympics Kansas Inc.
$250.00 -April
Funding to assist in sending Sheridan County athletes to the West Regional Training Clinic sponsored by Special Olympics Kansas.
Hoxie Golf Club
$2,547.60 - April
Funds to assist with the purchase of golf tee box signs.
USD 316 Golden Plains Elementary School
$500.00 - April
Funds will assist in sending the middle school students on a field trip to Hays to participate in the Smokey Hills Adventure Program located on the campus of Fort Hays State University as well as visit the historic Fort Hays.
High Point Advocacy and Resource Center
$1,500.00 - May
The funding will assist in the purchase of computer software to track the services provided and break down the demographics of their clients in the nine counties they serve which include Sheridan County.
USD 316 Golden Plains Elementary School
$2,419.11 - May
Grant funds will assist in the purchase of needed furniture and supplies for the Preschool Classroom to create specific learning areas of the classroom.
Hoxie Recreation
$4,000.00 - May
Funding to assist in the purchase of equipment including pull buoys, kickboards, and timing clocks needed to host swim meets and practices at the Hoxie Swimming Pool.
USD 412 Hoxie Community Schools
$3,536.42 - June
Funds were granted to help purchase additional materials and supplies for the elementary school's STEAM/Career Cruising programs.
Sheridan County Amusement Company
$5,356.45 - July
Funding to assist with the purchase and installation of new LED lighting enhancing safety on the carnival grounds as well as parts for the Ferris Wheel ride.
Selden Public Library
$2,452.13 - August
Funds assisted in the purchase of security cameras enhancing the safety of library staff and guests.
USD 316 Golden Plains Elementary School
$759.50 - September
Funds were used to purchase Reading Eggs and Mathseeds software to enhance the student learning out preschool through 2nd grade students.
Hoxie Housing Authority
$5,500.00 - September
Funds were used to assist in the removal of trees damaged around the Ridgewood Manor and Eastview Apartments