2021 Grant Projects
$95,992.72 Awarded
Hoxie Gun Club
$7,100.00 -January
Funding was provided to assist in the purchase of a new main trap thrower.
USD 412 Hoxie Community Schools
$10,000.00 - January
Funds assist with the Phase 1 video and sound upgrades of the Hoxie High School auditorium.
Hoxie Elks Club
$10,000.00 - February
Funds assisted in the replacement of carpet throughout the Elks facility.
Main Street Arts Council
$7,050.00 - March
Funds will assist the production of "Disney's Aladdin Jr" in Hoxie as part of the 2021 Main Street Summer Theater Festival.
Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas
$3,227.00 - March
The funding will assist in the purchase of outdoor enjoyment supplies at the Hoxie facility, including patio furniture, planters, and supplies.
City of Selden
$3,000.00 - March
Funds will assist in the purchase and installation of a sprinkler system at the City of Selden Park.
Hoxie Rotary Club
$6,000.00 - April
Funding to assist in the purchase of directional "wayfinder" signage to be installed around Hoxie providing guide posts to key amenities and services in the community.
Sheridan County Hospital
$7,500.00 - May
Funds were granted to help purchase additional materials and supplies for the remainder of the Acute Wing remodel project at the hospital
Scout Troop 161 BSA
$915.72 - May
Funds assisted in the purchase of solar spotlights for the Community Flag Program.
USD 412 Hoxie Community Schools
$8,500.00 - May
Funds were used to purchase equipment and supplies for the Hoxie Elementary Fun Day and Physical Education Program.
Sheridan County Amusement Company
$10,000.00 - July
Funding to assist with expenses related to the safety precautions of the 2021 Hoxie Carnival.
USD 316 Golden Plains Elementary School
$5,500.00 - July
Funds were used to assist in the purchase of science kits as part of the new grade school science curriculum.
Hoxie Elks Club
$9,000.00 - August
Funds were used to assist in the purchase of new dining room chairs, bar stools, and tables at the Elks Lodge which is available for community events and activities.
USD 316 Golden Plains Elementary School
$5,000.00 - August
Funds assisted in the purchase of iPads for the Pre-K program.
Main Street Arts Council
$500.00 - December
Funds helped cover fees to bring the "Stories to Song" oral history and songwriting program to Hoxie High School.
Western Kansas Child Advocacy Center
$2,700.00 - December
Funds were granted to assist with WKCAC's WhyTry & Mentoring program which provides early intervention services for at-risk youth in Sheridan County and the area.