The Sheridan County Community Foundation awarded $15,000.00 in grants during the January and March 2023 grant cycles.
Since 2015, through continued participation in Sheridan County Strategic Doing initiatives, SCCF receives funding from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation to grant to area organizations for projects, events, and other needs.
A $5,000.00 grant was awarded to the Sheridan County Economic Development organization to support area childcare, senior activities, and library projects. This award was partnered with $49,125.00 in funding received by Sheridan County through an application by Economic Development Director Karl Pratt to the State’s Strategic Economic Expansion and Development (TEFFI-SEED) Program.
In March, $5,000.00 was awarded to the Hoxie Community Schools USD 412 to assist with the Auditorium Upgrades Project’s Phase 2 which focuses on updating the stage lighting system. This project was begun several years ago through the Strategic Doing Initiative. The committee and schools hope to have the funding in place and the project completed later this summer/fall.
Additionally in March, the Main Street Arts Council was awarded $5,000.00 to assist in their annual “Main Street Summer Theater Festival” production in Hoxie. This summer, they will produce the youth musical, Disney’s Frozen Jr, at the Hoxie High School Auditorium, 1625 Queen Ave, on Saturday, July 15 at 7 p.m., and Sunday, July 16 at 3:30 p.m. Auditions for the show will be held on Sunday, May 7 at 2 p.m. at Bottle KAP Studios, 721 Main St, Hoxie. All area youth ages 5-18 are encouraged to participate. The program is free-of-charge to participants. Ticket sales for the performances will open later this summer. For more information, visit the arts council’s webpage at or email
SCCF encourages area organizations to submit applications for their projects and activities online at for funding consideration. Applications deadlines are the last day of each month for consideration during the Board of Directors’ monthly meeting the following month.
Six categories are considered with making grants: 1) Education; 2) Health Care; 3) Community Social Services and Security; 4) Conservation and Environment; 5) Arts and Culture; and 6) Community Beautification.
To learn more and apply, visit
Contact SCCF Executive Director Karl Pratt at or 785-675-1240 with questions regarding the application process.
View these and all past grant projects online at
SCCF is an affiliate of the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation based in Bird City. The foundation seeks to encourage, prudently manage, and distribute charitable contributions to improve the quality of life of Sheridan County residents, now and in the future. To learn more, contact Pratt at 785-675-1240,, or visit Connect with SCCF at