In its efforts to reboot the local Strategic Doing program aimed at developing community-led projects to better Sheridan County, the Sheridan County Community Foundation held a community meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 15.
At that meeting, attendees were provided with a historical recap of Strategic Doing efforts in Sheridan County since the concept was introduced by the Dane G. Hansen Foundation, Logan, in 2017.
A SWOT analysis to gauge current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats was conducted by facilitator Betty Johnson. The analysis provided a springboard for brainstorming new project ideas that will better Sheridan County.
What is Strategic Doing?
Strategic Doing teaches people how to form collaborations quickly, move them toward measurable outcomes and make adjustments along the way. In today’s world, collaboration is essential to meet the complex challenges we face.
Why are we ‘doing’ Strategic Doing?
The Sheridan County Community Foundation has an agreement with the Hansen Foundation to continue supporting and using the Strategic Doing Initiative and process to continue receiving unrestricted grant funds from the Hansen Foundation that we can grant locally to our area organizations.
Several new ideas were discussed by attendees in the hopes of developing committees to pursue the projects.
They include 1) a Multi-purpose Community Event and Recreational Building in Hoxie, 2) Beautification efforts throughout Hoxie, 3) Strengthening and Growing the new Farmer’s Market, 4) Walking Trails in Sheridan County, and 5) Park Improvements in Hoxie.
The Foundation is hosting another Strategic Doing meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Bottle KAP Studios, 721 Main St, Hoxie. Betty Johnson will be back in Hoxie to conduct the meeting and guide project committees through the Strategic Doing educational process as they kickstart their projects.
All in the area who are excited and energized to get involved are encouraged to attend. Area organizations working on existing projects or in the development of new projects, programs and/or ideas are also highly encouraged to attend to learn more about the Strategic Doing process and how it can help move projects forward from beginning to end.
Contact SCCF Executive Director Karl Pratt at 785-675-1240 or director@growsheridancounty.org with any questions.
SCCF is an affiliate of the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation based in Bird City. The foundation seeks to encourage, prudently manage, and distribute charitable contributions to improve the quality of life of Sheridan County residents, now and in the future. To learn more, visit www.growsheridancounty.org. Connect with SCCF at www.facebook.com/sheridanccf.