The Sheridan County Community Foundation is pleased to welcome Danielle Schiltz, Selden, as a new member of its board of directors. She was appointed to the board February 10 and will serve for a three-year term.
She joins Michelle Foote, chair; Jodi Rogers, secretary/treasurer; and fellow members Krista Mauck, Mike Mense; Teri Moss; Harry Joe Pratt; and William Slipke.
At the Foundation’s annual meeting in January, the board elected to add two positions to its directorship: one with a preference to be filled by a citizen of Selden and the second reserved exclusively for an area high school senior to serve for one-year immediately following the conclusion of their junior year through their graduation in May of the following year.
A native of Oberlin, Schiltz graduated from Colby Community College in 2002. She is a registered nurse.
Schiltz is a member of the Selden City Council and active area volunteer. She has been instrumental in writing grants for the Selden community for several improvement projects, including upgrades to the park, ball fields, and the City of Selden building which houses the city office and library and serves as a local community center for area residents.
In referencing the Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund, Schiltz state, “This program has assisted in making tremendous updates to our town that would not have been possible otherwise. I have enjoyed being able to help give back to the Selden community and see the progress we have made.”
As a board member, Schiltz aims to assist the foundation in its mission to encourage, prudently manage, and distribute charitable contributions to improve the quality of life in Sheridan County residents, now and in the future.
Schiltz stated, “I enjoy being a part of the Hoxie community where my kids go to school as well as the Selden community where we live, and I am looking forward to being able to be a bigger part of foundation’s programs and activities throughout the entire county.”
Schiltz and husband, Michael, have three children, two of which attend school in Hoxie, and one grandchild. To view contact information for Schiltz and all SCCF board members, visit www.growsheridancounty.ord/bod.
SCCF is an affiliate of the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation based in Bird City. The foundation seeks to encourage, prudently manage, and distribute charitable contributions to improve the quality of life in Sheridan County residents, now and in the future. To learn more, contact Pratt at 785-675-1240, karlpratt.sccf@gmail.com, visit www.growsheridancounty.org. Connect with SCCF at www.facebook.com/sheridanccf.