The Sheridan County Community Foundation awarded two Dane G. Hansen Community Fund grants totaling $3,200.00 in the month of December 2021.

The Main Street Arts Council received $500.00 to assist in hosting an artist-in-residence to conduct a program called “Stories to Song” in which students interview local “community elders” and through the course of the week, write and perform a song inspired by the elder’s stories. The arts council partnered with Hoxie High School English Teacher Mrs. Peggy Eland to conduct the program with her six English sections during the week of January 10 and presented their songs in a public performance on Friday, Jan. 14. Videos and photos of the performance will be added to the arts council’s website at in the coming weeks.

The Western Kansas Child Advocacy Center received $2,700.00 for their WhyTry Mentoring Program which includes one-on-one and group mentoring for children in Sheridan County.
The WhyTry Mentoring program provides guidance and safe relationships that mitigate the adverse effects of childhood trauma. According to WKCAC, “The CDC developed a prevention strategy for children that have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences such as sexual, physical and emotional abuse. They have shown that by connecting youth to caring adults and activities and providing positive role models that outcomes for children and adolescents are improved. By intervening early in children and adolescents’ lives we help set the stage for adult relationships, behaviors, health, and social outcomes throughout the lifespan. We provide monthly contact giving them the attention and skills they need and deserve. WKCAC is part of the first response when reports of child abuse are made to either Law Enforcement or DCF. The WhyTry Mentoring program is a follow-up to the first contact with children to help them on their healing journey.”
To learn more about the mentoring program, please visit
SCCF reminds organizations to submit applications to for funding consideration by the last day of each month (rolling deadline), a change to the former deadline of the first day of each month.
Six categories are considered when making grants.
Education: Enhances the learning environment and expands opportunities for students. Provides increased self-reliance on personal life skills and workforce capability.
Health Care: Ensures access to quality health care services and promotes healthy life practices.
Community Social Services & Security: Enhance access to social services needed for individuals of special needs and supports systems to provide community disaster relief and general community emergencies.
Conservation & Environment: Support efforts to improve and maintain high air and water quality, appreciation for our natural environment and enhance economic and social benefits of outdoor resources.
Arts & Culture: Provide cultural and artistic opportunities to enhance the quality of life for residents and to encourage tourism and the exchange of ideas.
Community Beautification: Support efforts to improve and maintain public spaces to enhance community pride and encourage socialization among residents.
Organizations are encouraged to contact Pratt with questions related to the online application process.
SCCF is an affiliate of the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation based in Bird City. The foundation seeks to encourage, prudently manage, and distribute charitable contributions to improve the quality of life in Sheridan County residents, now and in the future. To learn more, contact Pratt at 785-675-1240,, visit Connect with SCCF at