The Sheridan County Community Foundation views our area youth as the leaders of tomorrow and is dedicated to learning more about their needs, wants and desires to make well-informed decisions for the betterment of all - now and in the future. To that end, SCCF has added a special position to its board of directors exclusively for one high school senior, annually, to serve and provide insight and guidance from the youth perspective.
The “Sheridan County Community Foundation Youth Ambassador Program” (SCCF-YAP) board member will attend monthly board meetings with full voting rights, help steer the course of the foundation’s programming, assist with foundation events and activities, and learn about philanthropy and community betterment.
Applicant must be a current high school junior in good academic standing attending school within Sheridan County, Kansas. The YAP board member will begin serving their one-year term in June immediately following the conclusion of their junior year, through their graduation in May of their senior year
Interested applicants must complete an application form including brief essay responses, a letter of recommendation and an in-person interview.
Applications are available online or by contacting Karl Pratt, SCCF board liaison at Forms will also be available in the Hoxie High School office. Application packets are due April 15, 2021, and can be email, mailed or dropped off to SCCF at Bottle KAP Studios, 721 Main St, PO Box 445, Hoxie, KS 67740.
Applications will be reviewed and those selected to sit for an interview will be contacted by May 1. The finalist will be announced by May 15 and begin their term June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022.
SCCF is an affiliate of the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation based in Bird City. The foundation seeks to encourage, prudently manage, and distribute charitable contributions to improve the quality of life in Sheridan County residents, now and in the future. To learn more, contact Pratt at 785-675-1240,, visit Connect with SCCF at